Thursday, November 10, 2011

Round is not a shape

All my life, Ive been that skinny dude. When I joined the Air Force, I weighed 130-something. I left in the 120s. Skinny body, skinny arms. My legs have always had all my muscle, something to do with all the long walks and bike rides I used to take.

Fast forward to today, and I am somewhere around 190 lbs. Not the skinny dude anymore, but not really looking too overweight. Kristin had pushed me into drinking diet Dr Pepper, instead of my preferred regular, and Ive lost about 10-15lbs because of it. However, Ive been thinking Id like to get back to the weight I was when I left the Air Force (hitting the cap, 176). So, Ive been paying a small amount of attention to what has been shoveled into my maw, and walking around a bit more at work, and its been helping a bit.

This week, I decided Im going to do a bit more, and maybe finally do something about my scrawny arms. Every hour I have to check this device for work, so I usually just walk it around. 10 minutes or so of low impact exercise. I decided that Id first stop and do 10 push-ups, then do my walkaround. I started this past Monday, and to be honest, I expected to "forget" to continue them by Wednesday. Surprisingly, Im still doing them on Friday. I think I might even remember to continue next week!

However, I think I am going to change things up with it a bit. I have been noticing Ive been starting off strong, but being real sore at the end (Ive never really been all that good with push ups). I am considering swapping things up, push ups and sit ups. Either alternate between the two every hour, or maybe push ups on Mon-Wed-Fri, and sit ups on Tues-Thurs. Maybe. Ill decide next week.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


So, I downloaded The Lost Children this morning.

It... sounds like Disturbed. I mean this neither as a slight, or as a complement. Why should I buy a new album if it sounds just like the last one? I can listen to Nickleback, Creed, or Pearl Jam for that. (Uh Oh, I badmouthed Pearl Jam, someone is gonna come cut my junk off!).

Come on guys, push that envelope some!

The cover song of the album really didnt do anything for me. On Asylum it was a U2 song, this time it was Judas Priest. Sorry, JP is a lot closer in sound then most of their other choices, I liked it, but I think they could have reached further out to find something to make their own. Land of Confusion? Yeah, didnt know that was Genesis until I heard it playing at my in-laws place. The rest have been fairly obvious, but still a reach from their standard offerings.

Oh well, it is on the almighty mp3 player of fruity origin, and shuffled into my mighty playlist. Eventually I may notice differences between this and Asylum.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

So whats this?

On the Painting Table is my hobby blog, its where I talk about my plastic and lead addiction. This is where I talk about everything else.

The reason I decided to start this is that half the time, my wife doesnt really know whats going through my head... Anyone else who knows me, or thinks they do? Not a chance. Dont believe me? Ask my wife about my religious leanings. Her answer will prolly be something like: "He used to me mormon, and might go back to it, but right now he is some kind of vaguely christian thing, maybe"... While that answer is technically correct, its not the whole story. And its not her fault for not knowing, its just me being tightlipped as usual. And that is barely the iceburg of stuff I keep to myself.

So, Ill be dropping whatever bullshit I feel like writing about here.